Business Economist University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration (HWV)
Co-CEO, Portfolio Manager & Market Analysis with a focus on convertible and high-interest bonds.
Over 25 years of experience in portfolio management for independent wealth managers prior to founding chameleon asset management ag.
Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA), CFDS, UAS-trained Business Economist
Over 35 years of experience in the financial industry, including over 15
years of investment experience in the convertible bonds market in
various managerial roles at Jefferies and UBS. Currently with a
single-family office for over five years.
Master of Arts from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in Banking & Finance
COO, Portfolio Manager & Market Analysis.
Multiple years of experience preparing investment strategies for institutional clients at a global asset management company and in the “Products and Trade” department of a renowned Swiss private bank.
Private Banking, UAS Executive MBA
Senior Client Advisor
Expertise and experience in advising and supporting Swiss and international clients.
Managerial roles at various banks and as an independent entrepreneur
Master of Sciences in Business & Economics from the Swiss Training Centre for Investment Professionals (AZEK)
Multiple years working as a portfolio manager with responsibility for formulating and implementing the investment strategy of the Fixed Income department and as product manager for financial products at Swiss insurance companies.
Professional qualification in Finance and Accounting, diploma in SME from the University of St. Gallen (HSG), certified Wealth Manager, Association for Continuous Education in the Financial Industry (IAF)
President of the Board
25 years of experience in fiduciary and wealth management. Owner of a fiduciary firm with clients in Switzerland and abroad.
Dr rer. Pol (PhD) in Business and Economics
Master of Arts UZH in Banking & Finance
Member of the administrative board
Senior researcher and expert for sustainable investments with several years of experience in science and practice. Teaches and researches sustainable investments and asset management.
Master’s degree in Economics (Banking) from the University of St. Gallen, M.A. in Law from the University of St. Gallen, attorney
Member of the administrative board
Over 15 year of experience in the financial industry as an economist and as an attorney, with own practice specializing in financial market law.