17. Jun 2024
Initiative for a more sustainable global financial system.
Chameleon Asset Management AG signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) in June 2024.
By signing the internationally recognized principles for responsible investment, we demonstrate our commitment to incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into our investment decisions. In implementing them, signatories contribute to developing a more sustainable global financial system.
The United Nations (UN) has been supporting the Principles for Responsible Investment ever since their launch. The PRI has two UN partners. who play an important role in delivering the PRI’s strategy, including holding a seat each on the PRI Board, and providing additional avenues for signatories to learn, collaborate and take action towards responsible investment.
If you have any questions about our UN PRI signing, please contact Mauro Bärtsch.
Mauro Bärtsch
COO, Portfolio Manager & Market Analysis
+41 61 633 77 77
The UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) are an investor initiative founded in 2006 in partnership with the Finance Initiative of the UN Environment Programme UNEP and the UN Global Compact.
The initiative, supported by the United Nations, is an international investor network that has created and aims to implement six principles for responsible investment. The aim is to understand the impact of sustainability on investors and to support signatories in incorporating these issues into their investment decision-making processes. In this way, signatories contribute to a more sustainable global financial system. The goals are voluntary and non-binding.
The 6 principles
Source: UN PRI, wikipedia