Agile utilization of market opportunities

Legal notices

Private investors, institutional investors

The convertible-bond and high-interest bond offerings are authorized for sale to private investors and institutional investors. The structured products and services offerings (asset management, investment funds for a broader spectrum of investors, depot analyses, second opinions) are directed only to private investors.

Country restrictions

Our products and services are directed only to investors from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein (CH, DE, AT, LI).

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Structured products

The precise evaluation of characteristics and an optimally balanced risk-benefit potential makes possible the identification of structured products that take both macro- and micro-economic factors into account and ensure above-average performance even when stock markets are trending sideways. Diverse product characteristics make it possible to base investment strategies on market situations in a flexible and agile way.


Structured products are financial innovations that are issued by a bank and have a term, a coupon and one or more baseline stock references. However, the issuer here commits only conditionally to complete repayment at the nominal value, provided a reference stock or a reference stock basket has not fallen below certain barriers during or at the end of the term.

In light of the current low and in some cases even negative reference-interest level, the coupon/interest amounts are often tax-free and are one of the few asset classes that offer any continuous fixed income at all. However, the purchaser must be aware that they are giving up significant potential rate increases and cannot, with most SP’s, benefit above and beyond the coupon. In turn, in the event of rate decreases they are protected up to an agreed maximum loss amount.

We concentrate mainly on BRC’s (Barrier Reverse Convertibles) (structured products with a coupon) and “Outperformance Certificates,” which make possible one-and-a-half- to two-fold gains via dividend utilization and an upper limit on the potential (CAP).

chameleon asset management ag always works in the client’s interest, ensuring that the sales commission calculated into the product is fully credited to the client by means of net settlement using a more favorable initial value -- or allows a similar product with the same conditions to be noted and posted without fees being included.


Our Structured Product offerings are directed exclusively to private investors.


Any questions?

Would you like more detailed information, or a consultation?
We will be happy to help.


061 633 77 77

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